Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New film touches crew before it is finished

When amateur filmmaker Ted Fillhart was asked to shoot a video on the effects of responder stress, he had no idea it would change his life.

“This film should change the way all of us look at our responders”, explained Fillhart.  It is not until you find yourself in their world that you realize how much they really sacrifice for each of us!”

“I always had an admiration of first responders. While filming "Return to the Station" my eyes were opened to a whole new world and now have a better understanding of what the men and women who are first responders go through”, said Fillhart. “ I spent some time at the Transformations Treatment Center too and it is an incredible place where these people can get help, support and take back their lives.”

The film Fillhart was to film was a unique 10 minute music video that portrays the life of one firefighter who collapses under the weight and horrors of his job.  The film, written by C4L & Associates founder Eddy Weiss shows one year in the life of a firefighter as he struggles with the pressures of his job, reaches rock bottom and then is picked up by those closest to him.  After undergoing treatment, the firefighter returns to the station.

The main character of the film is played by Weiss who shared, “Over and over we see these scenarios amongst responders but rarely do we get to see the whole progression and a solution all in 10 minutes. The purpose of this film was to create awareness amongst responders and those in their lives; to bring them hope.”

The “hope” Weiss refers to is the ending of the film when the main characters wife (played by Brittani Clarkson) calls the 1st Responder Treatment Center in Southeastern Florida.  1st Responder Treatment Founder Mark Lamplugh (who plays himself in the film) hopes that the film shows that the job of a firefighter is demanding and tough
“The nature of the job makes it very easy for a firefighter to turn to drugs an alcohol,” Lamplugh explained.  “the film shows how hard it can be on the marriage as well. The whole worlds of a responder is incredibly demanding and not everyone copes with it the same.”

Lamplugh hopes that everyone walks away from viewing the film will understand there is a way out and that “…home life and work life can be normal again”.

Return To The Station is just the first of a series of short films Lamplugh plans to release in the next year.  Plans are underway to film again in early 2014.

According to Weiss, the trailer for Return To The Station has received amazing reviews and already the responder community has rallied behind the project.

“People are used to a three minute music video or a two hour movie,” said Weiss. “Return To The Station is a full two years crammed in 10 minutes. It was a difficult task to pull that off but people are responding to it very well.”

Fillhart summed up the film with this statement: “Unless you are actually inside a blazing fire, risking your life, or taking part of a dangerous situation you really don't know what it is like to be under that type of pressure.  However, I got a close glimpse of what goes on mentally and physically as I worked on this project by filming the scenes and watching hours of real life unedited helmet cam video footage.  Seeing first hand through the eyes of a firefighter really changed my perspective on what goes on in their lives and how it can affect their personal lives and health.”

“I hope people see the reality of what first responders go through.  Many times those first responders struggle with the sense they can't control their own personal issues because what they do for a job is so dependent in helping others.” 

You can find out more about the film at 

Music from the film was made possible by artists such as Kole Kruger, EverLife and Brian Houston. Soundtracks from the film can be downloaded on the Reach4TheLight website.