Thursday, March 26, 2009

Weather Radio time

Last night's storms in the Southeast included two confirmed tornadoes -- damaged 108 homes and injured 24 people, according to the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency's Emergency Operations Center. The region has continued to get pounded all day including the town of Enterprise, Alabama bringing back memories from two short years ago when the town was wrecked by a tornado outbreak.

Folks, last night's issue was that these storms came in the dark after most were sound asleep...NOW IS THE TIME to be getting that weather radio out and tuning it up. Get fresh batteries and make sure it is placed in your home where the family will hear it. Please don't screw around this year when it comes to this!

Statistics show that in today's society the majority of citizens get their severe weather information from television, but what about the times when your television isn't on, say for example in the middle of the night while you are sleeping? This is where a working Weather Radio can save your life during severe or night. These radios are affordable, and are well worth the investment.

We have pretty strict rules for our chase team that include speed limit adherence and seatbelt use. It's because we care about each other. Weather radios are no different an issue- look at your family and ask yourself if they are worth $30. if you don't have a radio, then go get one; you don't have to spend much to save them all.