Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti Today

Today was a day of sadness and fear once again in Haiti. Contact is still minimal, but there a some heroes there, walking the streets, feeding us information as they walk. The reports are staggering and heartbreaking. There is little to say and so much to do as we search for the missing, pray for the trapped and hope. Always hope.

Once again night has come to Haiti and the sounds of prayers being sung fills the air.

There is a man I want to meet someday, just to shake his hand; tirelessly he has kept us updated. We pray for strength for him and his family.

His last update as I write...

"Night has fallen..the night seems to take so long..I guess those that are buried alive in the rubble are feeling it the worst..Prayers."

The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart...(Ps 34.18)