Thursday, October 28, 2010

Reality Check

Sometimes reality can be elusive. We live in a world of so much gaming technology, blue ray discs and 3d movies flying around that when we see a glimpse of disaster aftermath on television, it's hard to tell if it's real. Well, this morning North Carolina residents woke up in the aftermath of an EF2 tornado in late October following historic storms that ripped across the country doing massive amounts of damage in several states.
It is real.
Our present tour has been an exciting one, filled with adventure and frustration but always holding the potential of meeting more people and educating more children about the importance of disaster preparedness.
Today, as the news teams surge throughout the country following up on the disasters of this week. take a look at your family's plan, check that home disaster kit, and take a moment for a reality check. It could happen to you tomorrow.