Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bored storm chasers

Well, the episodes on the Chase Team have been really well done. Adam Lefkoe has outdone himself and we have gotten a lot of great comments. It seems that there are some stormchasers out there that are incredibly bored today and so have been badmouthing the videos and the team and the drivers personally all day. Too bad it is so sunny, they have nothing better to do. It is the ugly side of stormchasing; stormchasers are a relatively decent community of folks, but there are some that really feel called to determine how it shuld be done, who should do it, and of course, attack the minute they see someone do it differently or with a different purpose.

Its sad actually, being that we have been the team that has offered so much assistance to so many chasers as they have travelled, broken down, needed a place to stay, etc. Sunny weather always depresses a chaser, but this is probably the worst part of it all- the ignorance of some that really need to check themselves and use caution when they speak.

I wish them all the best of luck chasing this year, but more importantly, I hope that maturity begins to play a role in their lives. To the rest of you I wish to thank you for the kind words, the support and the attendance at our events over the years.