Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tornado Week with no tornadoes

Well, the weather is not going to improve for stormchasers, so if you are bored, it looks like the following week will be a decent week for television. The Weather Channel is having their annual "Tornado Week" which means that every episode about every tornado will be on for a week! All you tornado fans can tune in while we wait to see if Mother Nature will coooperate with the Vortex2 project.
And on that note...Mike bettes, I cannot tell you how bad I feel for you. This has to be so frustrating! You have done an amazing job out there this past two weeks, and our short contacts have been great. We are watching and hoping for success for you and the whole team!
For those of you that are not up on the Vortex2 project, shame on you! Visit and check it out. make sure you tune in for Mike's live streaming each day too!