Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"#@&%*...It got me!"

I am sure you have either said this yourself or heard it from a neighbor. Mosquitos are everywhere and nothing sucks the fun out of sitting on the porch or stormchasing like mosquitos that have chosen to feed on you.

According to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, two more cases of West Nile virus have been reported in Nebraska bringing the total to 5 this year so far. There were 163 cases of the disease reported last year and four deaths.

West Nile is transmitted through the bite of a mosquito that has picked up the virus by feeding on an infected bird. Most people who are infected have no symptoms or only mild flu-like symptoms but some can get seriously ill.

So, while you are out and about, here’s some tips on how you can prevent mosquito bites…

Use insect repellent. Use an EPA-registered repellent such as those with DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus.

Wear the right clothing. When weather permits, wear long sleeves, long pants and socks. Mosquitos can bite through clothing, so even when dressed for protection, sray on that repellent for extra protection, but do not spray the repellent on your skin under clothing as this may be irritating to your skin.

Be aware of the hour. The hours from dusk to dawn are the peak biting times for many species of mosquitos (the little vampires!).

Mosquito proof your home. Mosquitos like to come indoors so take a good look at those screens in the windows and doors. Make necessary repairs and maybe take a little time to visit an elderly neighbor and help them fix theirs.
Drain standing water. With all the rain and the storms expected this week, large pots, tsacks of wood, tires and the like all can hold water for days and even weeks. Mosquitos lay their eggs in standing water so limit the number of places around your home where they can do this!

Above all, just be AWARE. Watch your kids when they are the park or playing in the yard. When the mosquitos get bad, go indoors.

Stay safe.