Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Gustav's a comin!

Gustav is getting a lot of attention now as the Gulf Coast states begin preparations for what could be a horrific storm should things go as we expect. As of the last time we checked, Gustav had killed over 20 people between in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The models are showing an agreement with previous predictions that we made earlier this week here at Chasing4Life as it looks like Gustav will enter the Gulf and, gliding slowly over warmer water, could grow to a Category 3 Hurricane quickly as it heads toward what looks to be the Louisiana coastline. The next two days will tell us a lot more about just how fast Gustav will be moving, and it will be speed that will determine just how strong Gustav will be when he makes landfall.

In the meantime, North Carolina is taking a pounding from the remnants of Fay with tornadoes reported and heavy rainfall.

Now, there is a tropical disturbance a few hundred miles from Puerto Rico and it is showing signs of getting a little more serious. We expect that this storm will develop into a tropical storm as Gustav begins to eye a landing spot so this weekend and the early part of next week will prove to be interesting to say the least. Most of the modeling shows this storm heading northward with a possibility of developing into a hurricane, so we will keep our east coast family and friends updated over the next few days.

For our family in North Carolina, stay safe and stay tuned to your weather radios.
Until next update…