Monday, August 4, 2008


Do we dare make the suggestion? Okay, maybe we are just kidding, but think about the possibilities...

Seriously, storm chasing, or at least storm spotting may become the most popular Olympic sport this year as Chinese meteorological authorities have raised the chances of more weather threats during the olympic games and these are not just thunderstorms as we spoke about yesterday in our blog...we are talking TYPHOONS now!

At least two and perhaps three typhoons are "likely" to make landfall on the China coast this month carrying bursts of heavy rain and the potential of disrupting Olympic competitions in the co-host cities of Qingdao, Shanghai and Hong Kong, and Wang Jianjie.

Although several typhoons typically hit China each year, they seldom make it as far north as Beijing, in fact, it has been a long time since Super Typhoon Winnie hit in 1997.

With the threat of rain and thunderstorms for the opening ceremonies, this could be an interesting month of competition... it is too late for these Olympics, but can you just imagine the KHAS-TV Chasing4Life StormChase Team bringing home the gold?