Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The 72 Hour Experiment

Over the years, as we have toured and shared a message of disaster preparedness, we have heard hundreds of stories of how people have survived a disaster because they had a home disaster kit, but as time has never allowed, we have never journaled or recorded these stories.
In an effort to make up for this, in a partnership with Quake Dog, we have begun "The 72 Hour Experiment".

Check it out and follow along as we release this unique reality experience as one mother and three children survive a disaster with only a backpack survival kit live on the web!

Our "disaster" will strike this family sometime in the next month and will be the first of several disasters that "strike" over the next 6 months as part of a series.

Read long and interact with this young mother as she struggles through 72 hours sheltered-in-place after disaster strikes.