Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael's farewell

Unbelievable. I do not think that in my lifetime I have seen a memorial service like the one that I watched today for Michael Jackson. Despite my own personal opinions of Michael's last years, the service was truly moving and the speeches by the Kings, Smokey, Al Sharpton and more all brought to my mind the sadness of the human condition and how big a role music plays in our lives as a healing element and motivator.
Perhaps one of the speeches that I paid attention to the most was that of Democratic Representative Jackson-Lee of Texas as she told of House Resolution 600 honoring Jackson as an American legend and musical icon.

She reminded all of us that in this country people are innocent until proven guilty...

The Representative mentioned how there was a moment of silence among the Congressional Black Caucus on the day Jackson passed.
No matter what your opinion of Michael, you cannot deny that today was a day of historical significance.