Monday, July 20, 2009

The day's story

The day awoke with lots of promise. Diagrams, graphics and even a hint of rain already in the air adding to the humidity that would soon be joined by the heat of the day. The truck was cleaned out, gear added to a tattered red bag, and the camera battery went on the charger. Anticipation can often times taste as sweet as the reward.
A cloud, then another..could it be? It was. A watch, beautiful and yellow suddenly appeared on the screen. Red, orange and yellow surrounded by shades of green adorned the flat lansdscape on the radar. The watch turned red and the icons appeared in numbers...I could feel the breeze become a wind.
The laid back blue of the sky gave way to a submarine gray and the truck roared to life and left a pile of paperwork and stupid phone calls in a cloud of dust as the weather radio blared its information.
The day was going to turn into an adventure; a new journey through pounding hail, muddy roads and fallen was going to be a great day.
Almost three hours away a small cloud began to grow, an underachiever to the naked eye. The little cloud cared nothing for the perception or opinion of others and began to creep slowly toward the border as if to escape a State that had already decided it was unimportant.
As if to say "Pay attention to me", the cloud heaved itself up on its rear legs and lunged for the southern counties and in a blast of 4" hail and high winds complete with rotation, Cory was in the middle of a storm.
Oh yeah, the rest of us?
Bored. Dry. Hot. Sticky. Jealous of Cory.