Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Be Ready, Aim, FIRE!

Did you know that only a portion of Chasing4Life’s activities involve storm chasing?

For several years the Chasing4Life Educational StormChase Team has toured the country presenting educational programs for libraries, schools, churches, universities, colleges, corporations, chambers and clubs. You can find out about some of these programs by visiting our website or by requesting more information by emailing us at

A large part of our work over the years has been working closely with fire departments. In the world of emergency response, it is often difficult to reach the local community with events that educate the public in areas that are important to emergency management. Chasing4Life has a series of community events that focus on supporting the local fire department, creating home disaster kits as way of supporting local responders during disaster, and even fire safety events have become popular. Now, with Swine Flu reports continuing to rise, Chasing4Life has created a new series called “A Bug’s Life” to educate the community regarding pandemics, infectious disease control and how to limit the spread of disease.

There is also The Oconto Project; a Chasing4Life effort that has received national attention. This effort has educated fire departments in forecasting, storm spotting, storm safety, severe weather safety education for communities and even modern severe weather safety technologies. We love the rural departments and would love to speak to you about any and all of these programs.
The list seems almost endless, so let us know what your goals are as a department. What weaknesses have you discovered? What would you like to improve on? Chances are, one of our team can help.

Starting in August, C4L will begin our “500 4 Life” Campaign. During this campaign we will attempt to present 500 programs in 4 short months. Our goal has almost been reached! With limited dates left, you need to act now and contact us right away to become a part of this massive educational tour. Join us in creating a more resilient and safer American community and help us reach 500 4 Life.